

Read the latest blogs on workplace wellness

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Practicing High Emotional Intelligence Isn’t Always Easy

Practicing high emotional intelligence isn't always easy. There can be several barriers that can make connection and communication a challenge. What are some of those barriers? Our emotions.Our traumas.Our disabilities.Our biases. For example, when angry, we often see...
adult holding child's hands

Raising Future Leaders

I’m raising future leaders. Daily, I am working to elevate my children’s EQ and critical thinking skills. Why? To prepare them for a world that will try to conjure fear in their hearts and minds. When my clients process their anxiety with me, my first question for...
man sitting at desk in the dark

5 Things to Do While Waiting to Leave a Toxic Workplace

I never encourage people to stay where they are being harmed. So if you can leave, make that move! However, if you can't immediately do so, or you’re in the hallway waiting for the next door to open, here’s what you can do: 1. Elevate your emotional intelligence even...